The arbitration practice founded by Antonio Hierro

Hierro Arbitration

Hierro Estudio Legal (or Hierro Arbitration) is a firm specializing in international arbitration, founded by Antonio Hierro.

In 2015, having garnered extensive experience from more than 30 years of settling complex transnational disputes, Antonio left Cuatrecasas (where he had started the firm’s litigation and arbitration practice) and founded his own practice to focus exclusively on his work as an arbitrator, in both commercial and investment disputes.

Antonio has been the recipient of various public recognitions of his work as a lawyer and academic, and of his contribution to developing the legal community in general and the arbitration community in particular. These recognitions have been partly bestowed thanks to his work to found or contribute to the founding of several professional organizations that have become highly prestigious international bodies.

 Hierro Arbitration


+34 649 454 604

C/ Condes del Val 17A - 28036 Madrid - Spain